Tuesday, January 28, 2014

GIVEAWAY! Maple Hills Wool Dryer Balls

A few weeks back, I discovered Maple Hill Naturals and today I'm excited to review their all natural wool dryer balls for you!  Maple Hill Naturals specializes in  all natural products like shampoo, soap, lip balm, and wool dryer balls.  I know it's kinda weird to get excited about dryer balls, but when I love a product, I love a product.

I have had the chance to use Maple Hill's dryer balls for a couple weeks now and I love they way they work!  I love saving $ so I was interested to know if my clothes really would take less time to dry with these dryer balls.  I have noticed a decrease in the amount of time my dryer is running.

These dryer balls come in unscented, scented, and essential oil scented dryer balls.  I have the Outdoor Fresh scented dryer balls and LOVE the way my clothes smell!  This scent reminds me of downy and I could really sniff it all day long!  Maple Hill sells re-scenting kits for when the scent of your dryer balls starts to fade. 

I've also used the unscented dryer balls. I have a couple kiddos who have sensitive skin and so I wash/dry their clothing separate with unscented soaps/products. So I love that I can use the unscented balls to help with static when I am drying their batch of laundry.

Maple Hill Naturals is giving one of my readers a chance to win a set of their own dryer balls. One lucky winner will receive a set of 2 XL wool dryer balls (scented or unscented).  A $16.99 prize.
Open to residence of US, Mexico, & Canada.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

I'd choose scented!

RaChelle said...

Ooo, I've heard about these. What a fun giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I would like to try scented!

Candice said...

Sounds too good to be true! I want to try those little babies!

Rachelle said...

I'd choose scented with essential oils!

LoraAnn said...

LOVE your blog...I didn't know you had one!

Linda Pannell said...

Scented for me, thanks :)

Lucy said...

These sound so awesome!

Unknown said...

I bought a set and wished I'd bought more for gifts!

Emily said...

Oooh, now this would be great to try -- especially at the laundromat where drying machines notoriously take a long time. Scented!

Kari said...

I would probably pick the unscented kind. Can't wait to try them!

Alex Liz R. said...

I think I would like to try the scented.

J. Olson said...

I would choose scented dryer balls!
jbang0331 at yahoo dot com

Amanda said...

I'd like to try the scented ones. Thanks for sharing!

Jessica said...

I would choose unscented

Unknown said...

I would choose the unscented!

Anonymous said...

i would try scented

Ashley-Raye said...

I'd choose scented.

boyzrule said...

Unscented please

Debnmike moretti

Sara Kovach / Dare to be Different - Teach! said...

I'd probably try the scented. Thanks for the great giveaway.

matope said...

I'd love the unscented!

Mayla Moore said...

I think I'd like scented one.